The Three Elements of Positive Change

I've worked with plenty of people who could point out problems. Once a coworker described a long list of issues with some of my work. When I realised he would argue forever, I said "If you have a better idea, I am happy to implement it." He went away for a week and came back with nothing. He had insight, but lacked the vision to effect change.

Vision helps, but it's still not enough. While at university, I worked on a team project in my final year. A team mate frequently suggested we store design artefacts in a different way. Everyone on the team would say "Great idea. Go for it!" Then he would fall silent, perhaps thinking "Oh, I didn't mean me." Needless to say, nothing changed. My team mate had insight and vision, but lacked work ethic.

Work ethic is the final piece of the puzzle. Some time ago, I could see a serious problem in some software I was working on. I knew how to fix it, but I was buried in other work. During conversation, I briefed a coworker on the issue, merely thinking he would be interested. In fact, he was so interested that he implemented the idea! Alone, I did not manage positive change. Together, my coworker and I brought all three elements to the table.

Positive Change = Insight + Vision + Work Ethic